
Free Delivery!!

Don't forget, free delivery over orders £150 or more!!

Free Delivery!!

Don't forget, free delivery over orders £150 or more!!

New Products Added!

Corseal have now added new gaskets online! White food quality, nitrile, AF400 and many more are now online including prices have been lowered for customer satisfaction! Have a look on...

New Products Added!

Corseal have now added new gaskets online! White food quality, nitrile, AF400 and many more are now online including prices have been lowered for customer satisfaction! Have a look on...

Corseal Christmas Closing Times

Corseal are closing for Christmas on 23rd December and will be returning on 4th January. Any orders in that time will be processed once we have returned. Have a wonderful...

Corseal Christmas Closing Times

Corseal are closing for Christmas on 23rd December and will be returning on 4th January. Any orders in that time will be processed once we have returned. Have a wonderful...

Spiral Wound Gaskets

Corseal stock a vast range of spiral wound gaskets. It is a precision-engineered solution for flanged joints, heat exchangers, boiler handholes, manholes, and other high-temperature, high-pressure applications—providing resistance to virtually...

Spiral Wound Gaskets

Corseal stock a vast range of spiral wound gaskets. It is a precision-engineered solution for flanged joints, heat exchangers, boiler handholes, manholes, and other high-temperature, high-pressure applications—providing resistance to virtually...

Gasket Sheeting!!

Don't forget, Corseal manufacture and stock their own brand of gaskets and gasket sheeting!!  

Gasket Sheeting!!

Don't forget, Corseal manufacture and stock their own brand of gaskets and gasket sheeting!!  

New Sales Member For Corseal

Corseal would like to welcome Paul Newbold to the sales team. Pauls previous experience's made him a perfect choice for this new and demanding role.Good luck!

New Sales Member For Corseal

Corseal would like to welcome Paul Newbold to the sales team. Pauls previous experience's made him a perfect choice for this new and demanding role.Good luck!